KevinZhang' Blog
白话评分卡 - 数据准备与分箱 白话评分卡 - 数据准备与分箱
“深扒术语不装逼,实战真知变牛逼。” 传统评分模型开发大致可以分为以下几个步骤: 准备模型数据 分箱 - Binning 分箱后变量对模型贡献的评价 - WOE、IV 建模 - Logistic Regression 模型稳定度 - PS
2019-12-17 KevinZhang
西游记的政治隐喻 西游记的政治隐喻
《西游记》里的政治隐喻作者 王不留行 刊登于《华声》2015年10期 本文转载自「葫芦时刻畅读会员」 《西游记》是大家耳熟能详喜闻乐见的古典名著,上到耄耋老人,下到懵懂孩童,都会或多或少的对师徒四人西天取经的故事有所了解。这样一部尽人皆知
2019-12-06 KevinZhang
Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-19 Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-19
jupyter-notebookjakevdp / PythonDataScienceHandbookPython Data Science Handbook: full text in Jupyter Notebooks Good St
2019-08-19 KevinZhang
Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-15 Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-15
jupyter-notebookslundberg / shapA unified approach to explain the output of any machine learning model. Good Stuff NHA
2019-08-15 KevinZhang
Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-14 Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-14
jupyter-notebookabjer / sds2019Social Data Science 2019 - a summer school course Good Stuff Git repo for the webpage f
2019-08-14 KevinZhang
Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-13 Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-13
jupyter-notebookhscspring / All4NLPAll For NLP, especially Chinese. Good Stuff ryan mcdonald, Ryan McDonald - Google S
2019-08-13 KevinZhang
Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-12 Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-12
jupyter-notebookpythonytdl-org / youtube-dlCommand-line program to download videos from and other video site
2019-08-12 KevinZhang
Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-10 Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-10
jupyter-notebookslundberg / shapA unified approach to explain the output of any machine learning model. Good Stuff NHA
2019-08-10 KevinZhang
Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-08 Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-08
jupyter-notebookspro / practical-pytorchPyTorch tutorials demonstrating modern techniques with readable code Good Stuff
2019-08-08 KevinZhang
Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-07 Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-07
jupyter-notebookNervanaSystems / distillerNeural Network Distiller by Intel AI Lab: a Python package for neural network
2019-08-07 KevinZhang
Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-06 Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-06
jupyter-notebookjustmarkham / pandas-videosJupyter notebook and datasets from the pandas Q&A video series Good Stuf
2019-08-06 KevinZhang
Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-05 Github Trending and Good Stuff 2019-08-05
jupyter-notebookjakevdp / PythonDataScienceHandbookPython Data Science Handbook: full text in Jupyter Notebooks Good St
2019-08-05 KevinZhang
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